
Okay so I have been thinking about some things the past two days, mainly about my new year resolutions. I have a few to add.

Currently they are:

1. Be more positive towards my own life and future.
2. Continue to take chances.
3. Don't stress so much.
4. Keep up with letters.
5. Love myself.
I would like to add:
6. Lose weight and get in shape.
7. Read more books.
8. Journal more, whether it be by blog, scrapbook, smash book, literal journal, or some other form.

9. Complete the 365 photo-a-day challenge.

The books that I have been thinking about reading are:
  •  Auschwitz
  • Anne Frank
  • The Help
I also want to see what my top blog posts were from the year 2012. Shannon gave me this idea from her blog post and it made me interested in which posts of mine were most read. So they are in order of most popular. And they are probably popular because they were on Facebook with a bunch of people tagged haha.

I don't even know why those are the most viewed ones (besides Facebook being a factor) but they are.

So I guess that was just my little New Year/Old Year update!


  1. You should also add The Book Thief to that book list! It is about nazi germany as well and is amazing

