Five Years Later

Well, it's over. My five years as an undergraduate student has come to an end and I can only write this "short" blog post about what I've learned, gained, and taken with me.

I have made a million friends at SUU. At one point I knew almost everyone (until I got to my fifth year and half of them graduated). I've been lucky enough to go to a University where friends and acquaintances become better friends and even friends for a life time. A quick shout out to a few who have been there for me since day one. Shannon and Marissa, my very first friends at SUU. I'm so grateful I met these two on move in day and became friends with them instantly. I totally still text them for boy advice all the time. Dani, another friend I met my first year and am able to go to with anything at any time. Mark, who quickly became one of my very best friends five years ago and don't know what I would do without, even though he doesn't claim me as a best friend (yet). There are many many more who have always and forever will be there for me and I'll be there for them.

Presidential Ambassadors
I joined this organization my third year, when I was at a low point in my leadership confidence and it was truly a blessing. It changed my life forever. Every year in the organization, I gained new family members. I got to see the influence I had on students as they made their decision in picking a University. I poured my heart, soul, and love for SUU into this organization and couldn't have imagined those three years any differently. I love each and every one of you guys.

Three Major Changes and A Minor Change
Picking something to major in was one of the harder things I've done in my life. I started as a Chemistry Major, and then decided to do Math sometime in my third year. The semester before my last, I changed my emphasis from Education to Pure. My minor also changed from Photography to Graphic Design. Even though it has been a journey and a pain in the peach emoji, it helped me find out what I wanted and who I really was. Don't ever think something is a waste, because no matter what, you learn something about yourself while doing it.

One Study Abroad and Alternative Break
Almost one year ago I got back from the biggest life changing trip of my life. As you all know, I went on an Africa study abroad and it changed everything for me. I've decided that I have a huge passion of serving while traveling and helping those in underdeveloped countries. Some people get ice cream or go home when they are in a rut, but I travel to do service. Am I in debt because of it? Basically, but the feeling of serving is by far one of the best feelings I've ever had. This passion led me to going on an Alternative Break during my last Spring Break of college. I went to Costa Rica and helped the poorest town in San Jose. Red Heart emoji times five. If you have the opportunity (which is everywhere at SUU) to do some sort of study abroad or travel, then do it! Especially when in school.

A Few Heartbreaks
A few from some boys, some from friends, not getting jobs or leadership positions, and one from leaving SUU of course. During these last five years, I've experienced heart break like never before. It hurts. A lot. But what I learned from each one of them is that it does get better, there are better people and opportunities FOR SURE. It's not the end of the world and I do heal a lot quicker now because of it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

A Degree
I know I sort of already talked about this, but I need to give a shout out to anyone who will be, is or ever was a Math Major. My fellow Mathematicians, I truly think we are idiots for putting ourselves through that, but we are the smartest and strongest people ever. (I really think it is the hardest thing/major in the world). Many tears, temper tantrums, late ELC nights, procrastination, calling mom, re-thinking life choices, yelling, and bothering classmates for help was put into that degree. Huge shout out to all my classmates who helped me pass every class. Another huge shout out to my calculator, Bud, for getting me through four years of high school and five years of college without dying a single time. You the real MVP and ILY.

A Home
Choosing to come to Southern Utah University was the greatest decision I've ever made. If I started over and did it all over again, I would choose SUU EVERY SINGLE TIME. Since I live eight hours away and only go home 1-2 times a year, SUU and Cedar City became my home and safe haven. I love the mountains and clean air. I love the nice people. I love Roberto's and Cafe Rio. I love the rain and snow (never fell once). I love Park Discovery and the concerts held there. I love all the free T-shirts and polos I've gotten. I love Cedar Hall North and ELC 112. I love a lot of things and will forever and ever.

Here's a picture from my first year of college, still tan from California, and the comparison to how white I've gotten while being in Cedar for five years. Cheers.

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