Five Years

You might have already heard but, let me just update you on my life really quick.


Why is this bigger news than usual? Well, let me tell you. I first came to SUU in Fall of 2011 as a Chemistry major. I soon developed a math minor and wasn't doing too great in Chemistry. This made me have to make the decision of what I should really major in. Long story short, I ended up in Mathematics with an emphasis in Education. So, here I am for the next three years going along as usual. Then, long story short again, I didn't have time to study enough for the test I needed to pass in order to student teach this month. My plan B failed as well so I was a wreck. Not passing this test meant that I would not be able to graduate in April, 2016 as planned. I would have to try to take the test again and pass it before Fall of 2016, when I would then student teach. This wasn't working for me. I was so close to finishing and I wasn't going to just sit around doing nothing for a semester. So, I decided to change my emphasis to Pure Mathematics. This meant that I could fit all of my remaining classes into one semester and finish! But wait, that's not the end of the story. The remaining classes I needed were as follows: Intro to Computer Science, Physics & Physics lab, Numerical Analysis, Complex Analysis, Actuarial Sciences. Have you ever tried to take that load on before? I wasn't about to try. So I decided that I would take everything except Physics & Physics lab this semester and plan on going as a part time student in the Fall. I was okay with this decision. 

*For the record, I feel absolutely wonderful about changing my emphasis and not teaching anymore. I don't feel regret or sadness. I was really nervous about teaching, and going to the high school every week last semester gave me anxiety. While I loved being in the classroom once I showed up, I never felt confident.* 

Now, here I am with two classes left to graduate and I get the idea of walking in April but technically not graduating until December after I finish those remaining classes. So I made an appointment with my advisor to see if this was possible. She is new to SUU so she was messaging some other advisors to try to answer my questions. It wasn't looking good. They were all saying that I could walk but technically would not be put on the program or anything until the following academic year. Then, my old advisor of four years walks in and says something like, "let's try all these different things and get you to graduate." We looked at all of the following things: taking the class in the summer so it would be this years academic year, changing my catalog year, and switching around some courses/switching out some courses for similar ones. We found out that the Physics classes are no longer required in the new catalogs; so we decided to ask the head of the Math department if he would waive that class completely or switch it out for another physical science class that I have already taken. He agreed!!! Therefore, the only classes I need to graduate now are the current ones I'm taking! (side note, the head of the Math department also switched out Complex for another class so I wouldn't have to wait another entire year to graduate) So, if I pass my classes this semester, I will be officially, real life, for reals, one hundred percent graduating this Spring, April of 2016!!!

Southern Utah University is super awesome and I would in no way be graduating right now if I was not currently attending this amazing university. The advisors, professors and staff do everything they can to get you what is best for you. 

Here is another quick side story: I decided to take another art class (because I'm a Graphic Design minor) in order to build my portfolio but, the only class that would fit into my schedule was Special Problems. The requirement to take this class was that you were in the BFA program. Since I am only a minor, I never had to apply and be accepted into the program. So, I emailed the professor and told him I simply wanted more pieces for my portfolio and asked to be signed into the class. He had never met me before and had no idea who I was. Other professors were even willing to give recommendations to him for me! He quickly emailed me back and said he would sign me in! When I went to his office to get the paper signed, we talked for a good half hour about future careers for Graphic Designers and Mathematicians combined. It blew my mind how easy it was to get into the class and how nice all the professors were about it.

Yes, it has taken my five years to graduate and I never thought I actually would. Do I wish I could have graduated last year? No. Do I feel like a loser being a fifth year? Sometimes, to be honest. Would I change anything? Absolutely not. Here is a list of things that have changed my life every year while being here at SUU that I wouldn't have had at any other university.

1. Have the best year of college by far and make my first ever life long close friendships with handfuls of individuals.

2. Grow immensely as a person through trials, examples of friends, finding myself and pushing through the hard times. [Growing Up]
3. Join the Presidential Ambassador organization and gain three years worth of friends and family for a lifetime.

4. Fulfill my life dream of going to Africa and taking pictures of lions + meet five people that have absolutely made a difference in my life.

5. Learning to care about myself more and what I need as well as what makes me feel happy. Discovered that serving others is an important part of life and makes me feel good. Spontaneously signed up to volunteer in Costa Rica to make other people feel good. And who knows what is in store for the next three months!

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