
Have you ever had a friend tell a very personal story to you and it changes your life? I have. Last night I was talking on the phone with a dear friend of mine and all of a sudden this friend began to tell me a story. I didn't know where this story was going until he/she was finished and I was sitting in my tears and literally could not say anything back to him/her for a while.

Life. The general or universal condition of human existence. Life. It is ours. We have one of the biggest decisions in our lives and it is whether to continue our life or end it.

Pause: If you think this is going where it's going, you might be right. You probably are right. Woah, not like that. I'm just talking about life here.

So when/if people ask you about that decision, it's a hard thing to talk to people about because this is your decision and whatever it may be, people will judge you or view you differently or try to change that decision.

As a friend, which I know all of you are one, you should pay close attention to your friends. It doesn't matter who they are, what they've been through or haven't been through, or how they act right now. People give signs and hints that they want you to pick up on. And they are probably obvious hint to them. Just don't brush anything off and say oh well I'm sorry for this moment that we are talking but I'm going to forget about it tomorrow and not check up on you. Don't be that "friend." Be the friend that goes to check up on your friend whether they want you to or not. Be the friend that shows that they care.

Now this is a hard thing for me to say right now but there are people who care about you. Even if you think you don't have any friends, there is someone who cares about you and would miss you if you were gone.

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