
I haven't blogged in quite some time. I have started but then I never know what to write or I have too much to write about. So, this might not make a whole lot of sense but it will feel good to write.

Sometimes you do things and hope for how they will turn out. And then they turn out how you wished they didn't. But then they get better and you can handle that. Sometimes you just have to accept what happens and I think in the end it will turn out okay. It took me a long time to realize that it would turn out okay and it is still hard to believe, but I have slight hope that it will.

I can't wait for this day. This little saying/quote thing kind of gave me the inspiration to write this post. It just made me think of things that have happened this year and things I've thought about or things I've done. It kind of gives me a peace and tells me to not worry and just live life. 

Also, this is cliche, but you only live once so why not do what you can while you still can? Why not tell someone you've had a crush on them for two years? Why not make new friends? Why not change your entire look? Why not blog about your feelings? There is always going to be the "but what if...." and there is always going to be the "but what if I don't..." I prefer to live with the regrets of what I did than the regrets of what I didn't. I prefer to sit there and think of the memories and lessons I made/learned than sit there thinking of the endless possibilities that could have happened. I like knowing what did happen rather than thinking about what could have happened. I've gained a courage this past month and I want to keep this courage. I think everyone has this inside of them but it takes a really long time to reveal it and use it. This courage makes me feel free and happen and peaceful.

This little saying thing kind of describes how I feel. I feel like I can finally just do what I want to do and people will notice it. It might not make sense to some but it makes sense to me.

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