
I don't think anyone really gets me or how I feel about things. I think everyone misreads me and the way I like/don't like things. Or, they are just quick to judge/assume. The latter is usually the case. I would love it if people would actually ask me things like "hey, do you even like ______?" instead of just thinking I don't or do like something because maybe one time I was having a bad day and said I didn't want to go to math class. Does that mean I hate math class or don't enjoy it? No, I just didn't want to go that day. But, unfortunately people assume things or are quick to assume or make their own conclusions. So be it. Maybe one day you'll ask. Probably not, but one can hope. Another example could be (I'm sure I'm not the only one this happens to) but one day I may say "I like strawberries" And then from that day on, I am mentioned, thought of or told about any and all strawberry things that come up. Just because I said I liked them one time. Now, people may take this the wrong way and think that I don't want strawberries if I say I like strawberries (confusing right?) But that's what people think. So, make it easier on all of us and don't take things to an extreme and maybe ask questions about how much someone likes something, or if they even like it at all. Get it? Got it? Maybe? It's a little confusing because I'm not good at writing down what's going on in my brain right now.

I can say this: (minus my family or Lexi)
There was only one person who truly "knew" me and it was Mark. We would always say to each other "you know me." And we did know each other. More than I realized. He would always answer my questions and then after that say "you know me..." and he was right. I didn't need him to answer my question because I already knew the answer. And vice versa.  I miss Mark....already.

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