Just...a;skda;sldkjg just.

These Times Are Hard-Safetysuit

Those songs describe this feeling right now. Along with a lot of other things...

Why can't guys just say what they feel. Why can't girls? Why are we all so scared of rejection? Why are there games all the time? Why are things so confusing? Why are people hard to read most of the time? WHY.

I want to ask questions and I want them answered. But I don't want to ask them.

I'm being dumb about this, but am I? Is it all in my head?

JUST LET IT GO. But I can't, no matter how hard I try...

Freak. I. Hate. This.

I just want to scream..

Sorry this post is so weird. I'm just sort of talking to myself and venting to a computer screen. 

And I don't want to leave. This summer is going to suck.

It's amazing how one post can be about loving life and stuff, and then there are these stupid posts. I don't get life.

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